Household Income (total annual, average annual and average weekly) by Income source

As with other Household surveys, this report provides information on the demographic profile of Nauru, income and expenditure patterns of Nauruan households.

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Income Source Total Income Avg Income
Wages & Salary $ 10,097,000 $ 6,565
Gifts Received $ 908,000 $ 590
Other income $ 856,000 $ 557
Imputed Rent $ 800,000 $ 520
Home Produce - Consumed $ 732,000 $ 476
Home Produce - Gifts Given $ 322,000 $ 209
Benefits $ 249,000 $ 162
Previous Jobs $ 217,000 $ 141
Seafood Sales $ 208,000 $ 135
Other Business $ 112,000 $ 73
Homemade Produce $ 100,000 $ 65
Handicraft $ 31,000 $ 20
Fruit & Vegetables $ 25,000 $ 16
Livestock $ 25,000 $ 16
Services $ 14,000 $ 9
Total Income $ 14,696,000 $ 9,554